Sunday, March 20, 2016



          One of my alters has Borderline Personality Disorder.  Her world is split into heroes and villains.  In some ways she is like a child because she has difficulty tolerating human inconsistencies/ambiguities, reconciling others' good and bad qualities into a constant, coherent understanding of that person.  She sees people as either GOOD or EVIL.  There is barely any in-between.  Nuances and shades are grasped with real difficulty if at all.  Someone in her life may be idolized one day to be totally devalued and dismissed the next.

When an idealized person finally disappoints she drastically restructures her world.  If the idol is not banished to the dungeon she banishes herself in order to preserve the GOOD image of the idol.  She does this to shield herself from contradictory feelings.

1 comment:

  1. This was simple, to the point and insightful. I wonder how many people can relate if they REALLY look in the mirror!! Thanks for sharing this.
